Fish are an important part of the aquaponic system as they enrich the water with nutrients, which are used for plant's growth and the plant consequently clears the water for the fish. Which species can be bred at home? How fast will they grow and how many fish can be in there?
In the previous article I have discussed the choice of plants that
will maximize the benefit of aquaponic farm throughout the year and
simultaneously said plants were not high maintenance. However, fish
are way more interesting part of the farm because the image of
picking live rainbow trout and grill it the same evening after work is rather
unusual opposed to growing a vegetable - that could be done by merely
The living part of the aquaponic system is not dedicated to fish
only. In theory, any random water animal that eats and defecates into
water can be used. Miniature aquaponic systems that are used for
educational purposes usually works with crayfish.
These systems use Procambarus fallax (also known as Marble Crayfish).
This species was probably created by unique genetic mutation since
all the crayfish are diploid females. It means that the process of
procreating goes without any need of male interaction. Diploid
females lay eggs from which other diploid females are hatched.
You can imagine how can such an animal be harmful to environment –
especially if it gets somewhere it should not be. Therefore its
breeding is forbidden or strictly regulated in some countries.
It is ideal animal for aquarist beginners – it is unusually
resistant mutant that can reproduce itself. It is fine in temperature
ranging from 15 to 25 °C, it eats merely everything including
vegetable and thanks to many legs and claws it is astonishing to
watch while eating. You have to be careful about chlorine getting in
the water though, as it is poisonous for crayfish.
Marble crayfish grows up to 13 cm in length. Because my aquaponic arm
is primary about food I had to disregard this peculiar animal. Not
because its meat is not delicious but I am not willing to debone those tiny bits.
If you are going to look up information about aquaponia then you can
not miss the tropical fish called Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus
Niloticus). It it the second commercially most bred fish in the
world, right after the carp. This is for several reasons:
It is an omnivore. It eats anything from vegetable to small fish. Due
to the known fact that African rivers suffer from sudden changes of
dry spells and floods the Tilapia can live in dirty water with low
amount of diluted oxygen. On top of that, this fish grows incredibly
fast. In period of six months you get two 250g fillets from a single
fish egg. Its taste and quality is very similar to Czech pikerperch
(very good fish).
However, the biggest plus of Tilapia is its reproductive ability. If
you breed fish in artificial conditions and higher concentrations you
will probably fail to reproduce them. Creating reproducing conditions
is very hard – you have to put together a capable pair that will
understand each other and prepare natural conditions by combination
of food and temperature and sometimes it is necessary to change water
in the tank regularly to make fish feel like it is a rainy season.
Tilapia on the other hand reproduces in artificial tanks. Plus it is
a so called mouthbrooder. Mother keeps its offspring in their mouth.
They take impregnated fish eggs in their mouth and they stay in until
they are ready to live on their own. It protects small fish from
being eaten by other Tilapia. Using Tilapias you can create a
naturally reproducing swarm that needs only feeding.
The reproductive ability in artificial conditions really drew my
attention and therefore I spent quite a time thinking about breeding
Tilapia in the Czech republic. I was forced to drop the idea
eventually because of its temperature requirements. Tilapia, as any
African fish, is very sensitive when it comes to water temperature –
it will survive in temperatures ranging from 14 to 28°C but the peek
of reproduction is on the higher margin of that range while it perish
in colder water.
Due to our climate conditions it would be both very demanding and expensive to keep water in the system warm enough. Since fish are cold-blooded animal its metabolism is accelerated and slowed down by the water temperature. Even a decrease of temperature by 5°C to 23°C causes Tilapia to grow half the speed than in normal conditions and its breeding will probably end up uneconomic. It is a shame though.
Due to our climate conditions it would be both very demanding and expensive to keep water in the system warm enough. Since fish are cold-blooded animal its metabolism is accelerated and slowed down by the water temperature. Even a decrease of temperature by 5°C to 23°C causes Tilapia to grow half the speed than in normal conditions and its breeding will probably end up uneconomic. It is a shame though.
From variety of usable fish I chose three that you might know very
well. First it a classic Czech carp. It grows quite fast, it is
fairly resistant and is fine in water temperature around 0°C. It
prospers the most at 24°C which is a realistic temperature over the
summer. In these conditions can a 250 gram of sprouts reach up to 2
kilo a year. This will be my start-up fish.
Once the system runs smoothly with carps and I manage to keep the
parameters stable I will immediately switch to Rainbow trouts.
Although this fish is very sensitive to the water quality it is still
less demanding than our common trout. This is why is the rainbow
trout kept in large numbers at farms. A year sprouts can grow up to
400g during 6 months. Since trouts are predators they require a
quality food with enough protein. In reward you get unbelievable
sight of their aggressive feeding. Take a look at the video below and
you will see.
The rainbow trout likes colder conditions – it handles temperatures
from 0°C to 21°C, but it prospers the most at 15°C. I hope it will
be possible to breed it all around the year with buying new sprouts
from time to time. There is a risk of some very hot days during the
summer but I have to finish the farm and test it first. For example –
rainbow trouts are bred as a winter fish in the Australia. They enter
the aquaponic system in autumn and are fed until spring when they
replaced by tropical tilapias.

The last fish I would like to try in the aquaponia is the catfish.
This predator is famous mainly for its record length and weight that
reaches up to 100kg. You do not want to keep something this big in
your garden but young catfish grow fast in warm water and its meat is
delicious. They can eat practically anything using their big mouths
as the pigeon in this video figured out.
The number of fish in the system is affected by the proportions of
the tank and the amount of food that can be absorbed by plants every
day. Usually it is a 60 - 100g of fish food a day to square meter of
growth area. Well prospering fish will consume about 2% of their
weight while half of the food will be turned into muscle mass and the
other will be defecated into the system. These parameters can help to
calculate maximal rough weight of the fish swarm. These breathtaking
calculations are coming up some next time.
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